This expedition hasn’t ended yet, but it has already pushed my comfort zone into uncharted territories. I’ve realized again that human limits are just something we create out of fear deep in our minds. We are afraid of the unknown. On this expedition, it was unknown people, extreme paddling, constant rain, and cold.

On one of the most beautiful beaches I’ve ever seen, I managed not only to recharge my batteries but also started to feel at home. This epic Arctic marathon continued with typical Norwegian weather - cold, rain, fog, and wind. However, the ocean was pleasant. It was like running through the home stretch victoriously. I felt maximum satisfaction. We paddled to the cars in the rain and fog for another four days.

After a day of active rest, wandering through the mountain terrain above the photogenic Kvalvika, we set out to the ocean without hurry and were glad that we only had to pack dry things. Along the coast, we discovered several nice caves. The untouched landscape provided immense energy. I enjoyed the movement of the ocean and absorbed the beauty of the surroundings.

We needed to replenish our water, so we decided to stop at the harbor of Ramberg, where we had coffee and bought some fruit. It was like finding an oasis in the desert. However, the reality was different. We were still on an expedition. This area wasn’t covered on our map. There were no known places for free camping. All day long, we couldn’t find a place to camp. We couldn’t even find a place after sunset.

Exhausting paddling and a light show at sea. The polar day had ended, but there was no complete darkness even at night. When we finally arrived at the Arctic surfing beach of Unstad, the rain turned into a proper downpour. We paddled more than 50 km. Carrying the kayaks and setting up the tent in the storm took the last bit of my energy. It was an unusually warm night. I remember sitting naked in the tent full of wet and cold things. All that was left was to crawl into the sleeping bag and close my eyes.

We were lucky that we started the morning without rain. For a whole two hours. We were on the water briefly. Just 16 km and almost without wind. There was complete fog. We paddled only with the help of navigation I had attached to the kayak. We stayed on an island where we found another ruin of an old house. There was nowhere to go, and I rested in the tent until the next day.

The last two days were equally gray and rainy. 30 and 36 km. I felt the end of the expedition approaching. It was a great feeling. We slept in tents for the last time in the settlement of Laukvik. The final stage of paddling was made pleasant by a curious whale. The incredible became reality. We circumnavigated the Lofoten on sea kayaks. An indescribable rush of emotions. In the end, everything seemed easier. You realize that very little is needed for a satisfied life.

Although it may not seem like it, we were incredibly lucky. Despite the dramatic conditions, we managed to paddle every day at a marathon pace with a smile on our faces. The time we saved was used for high-mountain hiking. This time on foot, without the kayak. All that was left was to get home. I spent more than 3500 kilometers driving, thinking about how I would meet my family and friends.

I also thought about the next big adventure. After such an expedition, I felt that I could go anywhere on a kayak. I told myself that I would do everything to organize another expedition that would build on the experiences gained in Norway and bring even greater challenges. I prepared for it for another two years.

Next time in this series, we will move to the waters of the northern Pacific, where we will sail for a month with whales and seals in the almost uninhabited part of British Columbia between the ports of Prince Rupert and Telegraph Cove. We will explore the area also known as the ‘Great Bear Rainforest’, larger than half of Slovakia. A place where endless mountains and the even larger Pacific Ocean meet. The forest is still ruled by large predators like bears, wolves, and cougars.

Map (Expedition GPS track records)

TIP: Click on the rectangle icon in the upper right corner to open the map in a new tab. Then, click on the three dots and choose Show map in Google Earth. This action reveals a detailed 3D map, enhanced with textures derived from aerial photographs, offering an immersive and comprehensive view of the environment.

Shorten the anticipation with our documentary on this epic expedition. Immerse yourself in the English narration with Slovak and English subtitles, bringing the adventure to life in a captivating cinematic experience.

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Adventure series about expeditionary paddling in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Moving playground to the tidal zone. Exploring remote places on Earth. Paddling with whales. True wilderness. Nordic paradise on Earth.

A captivating tale interwoven with authentic photographs, interactive 3D maps with real expedition GPS data, and video documentaries.

New chapters of the story every two weeks.

1 Sea Kayaking in British Columbia’s Untamed Beauty
Dive into the untamed beauty of British Columbia’s Great Bear Rainforest.
Prvý diel rozprávania o epickej expedícii na morských kajakoch.
2 A Journey of Transformation
Experience a remarkable transformation from a capsized kayak mishap to epic Arctic expeditions.
Zrod myšlienky
Pokračovanie rozprávania o tom, ako som sa ocitol sám na kraji sveta.
3 Navigating Lofoten I
Embark on a riveting sea kayaking journey across Lofoten’s archipelago.
Vysokohorská turistika na morskom kajaku I
Po expedíciách som začal snívať o ceste na ďaleký sever.
4 Navigating Lofoten II
Confronting Arctic North Atlantic’s extreme paddling challenges.
Vysokohorská turistika na morskom kajaku II
Prekonávanie extrémnych výziev pádlovania v artickej časti severného Atlantiku.
5 Navigating Lofoten III
The final third part of the story about an adventure in the Arctic part of the Atlantic Ocean.
Vysokohorská turistika na morskom kajaku III
Posledná tretia časť rozprávania o dobrodružstve v arktickej časti Atlantického oceánu.
6 On the Edge of Civilization
The introduction to the first of seven chapters about a great adventure in the North Pacific.
Na hrane civilizácie
Úvod prvej zo siedmich kapitol o veľkom dobrodružstve v severnom Pacifiku.
7 Meet the Giants
Exploring ocean life above and below. First paddling with whales. Continuing the great adventure in North Pacific.
Stretnutie s obrami
Objavovanie oceánskeho života nad i pod vodou. Prvé pádlovanie s veľrybami. Pokračovanie veľkého dobrodružstva v divočine severného Pacifiku.